22 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based Decentralized Distribution Management in E-Journals

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    The application of blockchain in the context of E-Journal distribution to journalists is aimed at making the management paper adequately distributed and not misused. The security system in the distribution or management paper process of an open journal system is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. The security system in the distribution of an open journal system and the management of the management paper process is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. With the implementation of this blockchain technology, there are 3 (three) benefits, namely (1) The distribution of E-Journal in the Open Journal System is more targeted, and there are no errors. (2) The reputation of the Open Journal System becomes better with a sense of trust. This research will be implemented in an E-Journal in an Open Journal System using blockchain technology. (3) The management paper processing in the open journal system runs according to the procedure so that in the management process the distribution of soft copies and hard copies of the journal is protected from hacker threats, and this blockchain is used to guarantee its security

    Covid-19: Digital Signature Impact on Higher Education Motivation Performance

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    At present, the process of validating documents for certain purposes cannot be done face-to-face because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this research aims to maximize the existence of smart digital signature technology that guarantees its safety and validity without having to meet face to face. Encrypted digital signatures with RSA-SHA256 with cloud storage features that can share documents. The waterfall method for building systems, the collection of data generated for analysis by observation, and online questionnaires using Google Form.  Based on the characteristics of the system, the satisfaction factor analysis of the system with the Slovin formula processed by the SUS score resulted in a score of 95 > 70. The final result of this study is that the digital signature system has a significant impact on increasing motivation to facilitate authorization and secure documents

    Gamification-based The Kampus Merdeka Learning in 4.0 era

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    Recently, education has been enlivened by the presence of the Merdeka Campus program initiated by Nadiem Makarim. It uses the Kampus Merdeka concept to learn to follow the development of education in the 4.0 era. This change has become a paradigm for Higher Education to build a Merdeka Campus to learn to face challenges in the 4.0 era. However, the challenge is not easy for universities, so that students join the independent program to learn quickly. This study aims to motivate students to participate in independent learning activities in a collaborative learning system with gamification techniques. Gamification is in the form of reward badges for student achievement in all learning activities carried out. The higher education independent learning system is designed using the library study method and Agile Development with two frameworks, namely Laravel and VueJS. It can be proven from the results of the SUS Score Analysis showing the number 92.5 indicating that the independent learning campus system provides positive benefits by gamification of students being more motivated and ready to face learning challenges in the 4.0 era


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    Indonesia memasuki revolusi 4.0 yang membawa banyak sekali perubahan di segala bidang termasuk bidang teknologi. Teknologi keterbaharuan terbesar bersifat terdesentralisasi dengan ciri transparan, nyaman, permanen serta tidak bisa diganti yang biasa dikenal dengan Blockchain. Blockchain sudah diterapkan di banyak bidang semacam cryptocurrency, akuntansi serta tata kelola pendidikan. Tetapi, teknologi Blockchain saat ini sedang dalam sesi percobaan serta mempunyai sebagian permasalahan yang wajib dituntaskan tercantum kapasitas pemrosesan informasi yang terbatas, kerahasiaan data, serta kesusahan regulasi. Artikel ini menerangkan tentang kemampuan pelaksanaan teknologi Blockchain dalam akuntansi keuangan pendidikan pendidikan. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini mengusulkan desain framework bagi finansial pendidikan tinggi agar keamanan buku besar dapat ditingkatkan. Dalam jangka panjang, platform ini secara efisien bisa kurangi kesalahan dalam pengungkapan serta manajemen laba, tingkatkan mutu data akuntansi pendidikan serta kurangi asimetri data. Metode analisis dengan perhitungan skor SUS terhadap sistem Blockchain akuntansi menunjukkan 85, sehingga framework ini termasuk dalam kategori Net Promoter. Hasil akhir penelitian ini mampu mengoptimalkan finansial keuangan pada pendidikan tinggi dengan menggunakan Blockchain.  Indonesia is entering the 4.0 revolution, which brings many changes in all fields, including technology. The most extensive new technology is decentralized with transparent, convenient, permanent, and irreplaceable characteristics, commonly known as Blockchain. Blockchain has been applied in all fields, especially in the field of technology. But Blockchain technology is currently still in the pilot stage which has some issues and needs to be resolved. These include regulatory difficulties, limited information processing capacity, and data confidentiality. This article describes the ability to implement Blockchain technology in educational, financial accounting. Therefore, this study proposes a framework design for higher education finance to improve the security of the ledger. In the long term, this platform can efficiently reduce disclosure and earnings management errors, improve the quality of educational accounting data, and reduce data asymmetry. The analysis method by calculating the SUS score against the accounting Blockchain system shows 85, so this framework is included in the Net Promoter category. The final result of this research can optimize financial finance in higher education by using Blockchain

    Embedding a Blockchain Technology Pattern Into the QR Code for an Authentication Certificate

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    In the disruptive 4.0 era that emphasizes technological sophistication, blockchain is present as a technology that increasingly influences human life, helping humans in all aspects, including education. The role of blockchain technology in the world of education is to test the validity of diplomas, the increasing number of fake diplomas for an interest, both for work and continuing education to a higher level. The purpose of this research with the implementation of blockchain is expected to make it easier for users to verify the authenticity of a diploma. This study uses the SWOT analysis method to identify all possibilities that exist in blockchain technology. The final result of this research, the system will print a physical certificate in the form of paper in general, then the certificate will be printed a QR code. To verify numeric code on QR Code via scanning on smartphone or QR Reader. It is hoped that the blockchain technology applied to digital assets can reduce cases of forgery of diplomas and other important documents

    Covid-19: Implementation e-voting Blockchain Concept

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    The current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic is currently increasing public concern about the community. The government has especially recommended Stay at Home and the implementation of PSBB in various regions. One of the concerns is when the election of regional leaders to the general chairman. Even though there is already a safeguard regulation, this is not considered safe in the current Covid-19 pandemic. The solution in this research is the use of a blockchain-based E-voting system to help tackle election unrest during Covid-19. Where e-voting with blockchain technology can be carried out anywhere through the device without the need to be present in the voting booth, reducing data fraud, accurate and decentralized voting results that can be accessed by the public in real-time. The use of cryptographic protocols is applied for data transfer between system components as well as valid system security. This research method uses SUS trial analysis in a significant system of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The implication that the SUS Score analysis shows 90 shows an acceptable E-voting system, meaning that the community can accept it because it brings positive and significant impacts such as effectiveness and efficiency

    Digitalization Online Exam Cards in the Era of Disruption 5.0 using the DevOps Method

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    In the current 5.0 era, almost all documents are digitally packaged, and the university needs to adapt to ever-evolving technology. For students, the test card is essential as proof of the contest to carry out the final exam. However, in practice, some University Student Exam Card sheets still adopt the traditional nature of queues. This will cause problems if the exam card can be lost or damaged. Digitalization can disruption the world of education, especially Exam Cards that are digital and systematically stored on the website page. SiS + is a Student iLearning Services that can make it easier for Raharja University students to access all their lecture needs by digitizing them. The YII Framework-based SiS + website's development uses the DevOps method to get online exam cards because applicable regulations fulfill student attendance. This research is expected to transform the student management system efficiency, reduce queues, and implement physical distancing during a pandemic

    Manajemen Kontrol Akses Berbasis Blockchain untuk Pendidikan Online Terdesentralisasi

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    Banyak pengguna menggunakan internet sebagai alat untuk layanan informasi yang lebih baik di lembaga pendidikan. Jaringan ini tidak memiliki penyedia layanan yang bertindak sebagai otoritas pusat dan pengguna memiliki kontrol lebih besar atas informasi mereka sehingga tidak ada pihak ketiga. Sehingga diusulkan sebagai solusi alternatif untuk sistem pembelajaran jaringan terpusat saat ini menggunakan Decentralized Online Educations (DOE). Banyak DOE telah diusulkan, namun keberadaan layanan Decentralized Online Educations (DOE) membutuhkan solusi terdistribusi yang efisien untuk melindungi privasi pengguna. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak teknologi blockchain telah diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem pembelajaran sehingga sangat cocok untuk institusi pendidikan yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah privasi dalam sistem desentralisasi. Pada platform ini, menggunakan teknologi blockchain sebagai sistem penyimpanan, dan materi pembelajaran yang bersifat publik. Dalam studi ini, buat kerangka kerja kontrol akses yang dapat dikelola dan diaudit untuk Decentralized Online Educations (DOE) menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk membahas definisi kebijakan privasi. Kunci publik yang digunakan oleh pemilik sumber daya menggunakan dari subjek untuk menentukan kebijakan akses dapat diaudit menggunakan Access Control List (ACL), sedangkan untuk mendekripsi data pribadi setelah izin akses divalidasi di blockchain menggunakan kunci pribadi yang terkait dengan akun Ethereum subjek. Untuk memberikan evaluasi dari pendekatan ini, gunakan testnet Rinkeby Ethereum untuk mengimplementasikan Kontrak Cerdas. Dan hasil dari percobaan ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa Access Control List (ACL) yang diusulkan menggunakan Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) dalam sistem pembelajarannya. Untuk mewujudkannya, diperlukan Access Control List (ACL)

    Strategi Konsep Gamifikasi dalam Aplikasi Teknologi Blockchain

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    Blockchain adalah tren baru yang meningkat pesat dari komunitas dan dunia usaha. Sebagai teknologi infrastruktur, dan dapat menemukan jalannya ke berbagai ranah seperti keuangan, medis, pasar digital, farmasi, dan lembaga pemerintah. Meskipun teknologi blockchain pada dasarnya dianggap sebagai fondasi Bitcoin, ia telah berkembang pesat melampaui mata uang virtual. Ini menjanjikan pembangunan kepercayaan, transparansi, dan integritas yang lebih baik tanpa pihak ketiga dan risiko penyensoran. Namun, keuntungan luar biasa ini ada harganya. Ekosistem blockchain penuh dengan masalah manusia-sentris dan ekonomis bagi para pesertanya, yang mengarah pada konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan dalam jaringan yang terdesentralisasi. Rekayasa perangkat lunak gamified adalah bidang yang berkembang yang secara khusus memanfaatkan teknologi gamifikasi, penerapan mekanisme game dalam konteks non-game, untuk mengatasi masalah yang berhubungan dengan manusia. Saat ini tidak ada studi seputar blockchain yang telah diidentifikasi memiliki pandangan yang jelas tentang penelitian dan solusi yang ada untuk memanfaatkan gamifikasi dalam sistem blockchain yang muncul. Sebagai langkah pertama untuk mengatasi masalah ini, makalah ini membahas dan mengidentifikasi dua masalah utama berbasis manusia dalam aplikasi dan pengembangan mengimplementasi blockchain. Untuk masalah tersebut, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Dengan adanya  penelitian ini diharapkan gamifikasi dalam sistem blockchain dapat berjalan dengan maksimal dalam pengembangan pengimplementasiny